Archive for January, 2021

Week# 22: Why Nanci’s book is truly “More Precious Than Gold.”

So glad you stopped by today!

Dear Friends,

Last week I began recapping some of the interesting things about my new book that makes it truly “More Precious Than Gold.” Today I’m adding just a few more things but first a correction to last week’s post.

Correction: There are 4 major sections in the book (not 3) and they are titled:

  • To Give You Strength
  • Encouragement For You
  • Wisdom For Your Well-being
  • Wisdom For Personal Growth
  1. In my book you’ll meet a variety of people. Everyone is interesting! My mother used to say that people make the world go round! And they sure do – and in this book as well! You’ll find that some folks are from long ago and are found in the Bible and others are living their lives right now in the 21st century. Everyone’s story is fascinating but most definitely your heart will be stirred by the words (truth) of Jesus and His disciples.
  2. The very first essay in my book is called “Things Happen For You.” And that still holds true today even in these Covid times. Things are coming into place to do something good for your life. The problem is, we don’t always see things as being “good” because they come disguised as problems. Therefore, it’s not obvious that they will bring us any “good” at all. 
  3. “More Precious Than Gold” is a devotional book and here’s an example from the essay “Waiting.”

Devotional: This is just an ordinary day and it seems as if nothing much is going on. But we know that’s when God is most at work in our lives. Today God is bringing together every little thing necessary to unfold your blessing in just the right way. Sometimes it seems like we wait and wait and wait. It’s the waiting that helps you develop perseverance and patience. Both qualities are necessary for victory … (the devotion shares more .. but you can read that when you read and explore the book).

Meditate on the scriptures below. Record anything in your journal that comes to mind.

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]
Will gain new strength and renew their power;
They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun];
They will run and not become weary,
They will walk and not grow tired. Isaiah 40:31

4. “More Precious Than Gold” is a book that will broaden your horizons about living and growing. So you’ll find exercises in the back of the book to encourage you to think about your relationship with God and about yourself. These exercises are all about “self-reflection.” This self-reflection will help you make sure you are on the right path in life and how to get there in a healthy and productive way.

5. One of the most important concepts the text talks about is gratitude. There are others too like: prayer, fear, encouragement (+ how to encourage others), love, hope – which is so needed now, and many others that you experience everyday like this concept: “waiting.” What are you waiting for today? I bet you’ll say, “I’m waiting for life to become normal again!”

Make it a great day! Be careful driving Clevelanders!

God Bless You!


January 26, 2021 at 10:44 am Leave a comment

Week# 21: Why Nanci’s book is truly “More Precious Than Gold.”

Dear Friends,

Just as a reminder, I post new articles on “Tuesdays” … we are Tuesday people! But you can come by anytime and read posts for this new blog series calledWhy Nanci’s new book is truly More Precious Than Gold!”

I’ve shared a lot of far about the book. So let’s take an inventory and review some of what I’ve shared about my book so far:

  1. As the author I think of myself as a storyteller weaving together God’s truth and great love for you through a unique collection of 28 essays and descriptive devotionals.
  2. The title of the book is based on a scripture from Psalm 19:11… “More Precious Than Gold.”
  3. “More Precious Than Gold” is not only a special type of devotional book but it has a “Spiritual Growth” section in the back filled with exercises to help you reflect on your life and discover the best things God has planned for you – including knowing Him!
  4. “More Precious Than Gold” is filled with stories and information that will give you strengthen, encourage, and wisdom. In fact, that’s just about what the subtitle says (Words of Strength, Encouragement, and Wisdom)!
  5.  “More Precious Than Gold” is a book of essays – so they are short and easy to read. And since there are no characters to remember like in a novel, you can read as much as you want whenever you want! In fact, you could read something today and then go on a vacation and come back two weeks later and pick up the book without missing a thing!
  6. There are 3 major sections in the book and they are titled: “To Give You Strength,” “Encouragement For You,” “Wisdom For Your Well-being,” and “Wisdom For Personal Growth.”
  7. Other sections include: Self-Reflection including 5 exercises and another section entitled “Spiritual Growth.”
  8. The 28 essays in the book all have great titles like “Take a Drink of Great Happiness,” “Happy Habits,” “More Frightening Than Grandma’s Stew,” “An Anchor of Hope,” “Perfect Love,” and the “The Green Bean Club.” You’ll love all of them!
  9. I’ve written a great introduction for the book. It also comes complete with a book tour! Yes! I’ve shared the particulars of the book so you can enjoy it all!
  10. And last but not least, each essay starts with a quote or scripture that is fitting for the subject matter discussed. Here’s an example: “If you change your words, you’ll change your life.” (Joyce Meyer)

One of my very favorite quotes in the book is, “The truth is many of us know that the strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we never see them fight.” (unknown)

If you’re fighting a battle today or maybe your loved one is, God is bigger than any problem you’re facing. In fact, He wants to fight your battles for you. Please see the “Relationship with God” tab on this blog is you would like to know more about the most dynamic relationship you could ever have.

Note: ~ There are just a few more things I want to point out to you. So we’ll do a little more reviewing next time on January 26. I hope you’ll come by. ~

Have a wonderful week!

God Bless You!


January 19, 2021 at 9:26 am Leave a comment

Week #20: Why Nanci’s new book is truly “More Precious Than Gold.”

Dear Friends,

We are continuing to explore the many facets of my new book in each and every blog post – including this one! Hopefully the book will be published this year. I am still exploring publishing options. It does look like I may have to take the most difficult route in order to move forward. I guess that will cause me to rely more on God and his wisdom.

Since we are starting a new year, this post is appropriate as it is all about new beginnings. We change our socks or the channel on TV. We try dieting or exercising but somehow we just can’t stay with it. So if those small things are tough for us to do, how can you experience lasting change for your life – you know the kind that brings contentment and real joy? This essay in my book also titled “New Beginnings” is about the changes the man deemed the “Meanest Man in Texas” witnessed in his life. Others witnessed those changes too. They were not temporary changes. They brought an imprisoned teenager into adulthood and middle-age and beyond death row to find happiness with a wife and a little girl. But the story goes even further as he found a purpose too for his life.

I was researching photos to illustrate this essay, I came across a story some folks don’t know about. Have you heard about Louie Zamperini? God made some wonderful changes in this life too. This is not in my book, at least not yet. But I remember the movie “Unbroken” about Louie’s story directed by Angelina Jolie that was out a few years ago. Zamperini was known as a champion. But in order to find that place in his life, he first had to let go of this past behavior of constantly getting in trouble. When he did, Zamperini found he had a bright future ahead of him and he competed in the 1936 Olympics as a runner. But when the war broke out he enlisted and was stationed in Hawaii. War has a way of changing people. And as a POW he suffered a lot. After several years when the war was over, Zamperini was released from a Japanese POW camp. His transition to civilian life was difficult. Louie experienced horrible post traumatic stress symptoms (nightmares) and began drinking to cope with the horror he relived from the trauma. His whole life was a mess and it didn’t seem like his marriage would last much less would he survive the invisible trauma swirling in his mind. Then one day upon the urging of his wife, he went to the revival tent where the Reverend Billy Graham was preaching in his hometown of Torrance, California. Zamperini was about to discover new beginnings for his life just like the “Meanest Man in Texas” did. That night when God touched Louie’s life, gone where the nightmares and visions that haunted him for so long. In their place grew a heart to follow God and the desire to share a message of hope with others.

Friend, if you don’t yet know about the power of God and how He can change your life, be sure to read this essay and read or see the movie “Unbroken” about Louie Zamperini’s story as well. Both stories will make a believer out of you! You can also visit the tab on this blog titled “Relationship with God” to experience lasting change in your life too.

Make it a great day!

God bless you!


January 12, 2021 at 8:28 pm Leave a comment

Week #19: Why Nanci’s New Book is Truly “More Precious Than Gold.”

Happy New Year Friends!

Today’s post is all about love. There are many kinds of love. We use the word so often and for everything from ice cream, pickles, your new puppy, or to express how much you love golf, or a big piece of carrot cake! But from the first moment you came into the world you needed love. In fact you needed it as much as you needed air to breath. Love is essential for healthy development and for a well-adjusted life.

In this essay, “Perfect Love,” you’ll learn about the all the forms of love that are expressed in the Greek language. Only four of them are found in the Bible. Interestingly enough you’ll find that the Greek language, unlike English which is the most lacking in description, has the capacity to give you the most in depth understanding because of the details it shares. Besides learning about the types of love we enjoy with friends, family, and more, if you haven’t already heard about the five love languages you’re in for a real treat! Reading this essay will give you perspective and new ways to appreciate and love others – father, mother, sister, brother … friend.  

Along with insight from a family friend for what he calls “Loving Correctly,” this essay reveals something exquisite for your life. It may be cliché, but nonetheless, you won’t want to miss a word of what I have to share.

Make it a great day!

God Bless You!


(Below Greece ~ Mediterranean Sea)

It is the Greeks that describe the concept of love so well.

January 5, 2021 at 8:40 am Leave a comment


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